How to View Marketing Email Performance and Engagement Metrics in HubSpot

This article will walk you through how to find all the performance and engagement metrics for a particular marketing email sent out of HubSpot.

You just had an email marketing campaign launch out of HubSpot, and know you want to follow up on the performance and engagement from the email. 

Here is where you need to go, and what you can find:

Head to Marketing>Email in HubSpot. Any emails that have been sent out will have a green dot next to them. Find whichever email you want to follow up on, and open it by clicking the name. 

You'll then come to the following screen. At the top, you can view the email by clicking the image of it in the top left section of the screen. Next to that you can view the subject line and send date, as well as extra details such as send lists by clicking "see details".

In the next section, you'll see two tabs. One for "performance" and another for "recipients". HubSpot defaults to the "performance" tab, which is where we'll want to start. 

Performance Tab

The first thing you come to are the statistics for how many contacts the email was sent to, and how many contacts it was delivered to. 

Next you can see the following: 

  • Open Rate - This is the known percentage of contacts who opened the email, out of the total number of deliveries. Open rate is the primary way to measure the effectiveness of subject lines and preview text. A good open rate can be anywhere from 17% to 28%, depending on who you are contacting. Client emails should fall near the top of that spectrum, while prospect emails should be considered very successful even falling in the 17%-20% range. 
    • Below this, you'll see a button to "calculate adjusted open rate", this is because of security / privacy features introduced to Apple devices in the last year or so. Generally, we are unable to see any engagement (opens or clicks) from contacts with apple devices. As such, metrics are generally always a little below where they actually may be. Open rate is one you are able to gain more insight to, via this "calculate adjusted open rate" tool.
    • Unique Reliable Opens - This number is the number of contacts who opened the email. In other words, regardless of how many times a contact opened an email, the contact will only count once toward this stat.
  • Click Rate - This is the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email, out of the total number of deliveries. Click rate is not a very useful metric. It's good to know, but it does not measure the effectiveness of your email well, as it includes people who never opened the email as people who didn't click. 
    • Unique Reliable Clicks - This number is the number of contacts who clicked the email. In other words, regardless of how many times / links a contact clicked in an email, the contact will only count once toward this stat.
  • Click Through Rate (CTR) - This is the percentage of people who clicked a link in your email, out of the total number of people who actually opened it. CTR is the primary way to measure the effectiveness of your copy and Call-to-Actions. A good CTR is considered to be between 2% - 4% for prospect emails, and 4% - 7%.
  • Reply Rate - This is the percentage of contacts who replied to the email, out of the total number of deliveries. Most campaigns are not designed to solicit replies, so this metric is rarely utilized. 
  • Delivery Statistics - Beneath all the above, you can view the deliver statistics, which include successful deliveries, bounces, unsubscribed, and spam reports. 

Any of the numbers / statistics that are in a teal color can be clicked on to explore who exactly is included in that specific statistic. 

For instance, if you click on the click rate percentage, you'll be able to see all the actual contacts who clicked a link in the email. When you click on one of these it actually brings you over to the other tab "recipients" that we mentioned earlier to view this information. We'll come back to that later though. 

Further down you'll see a click map, the top clicked links, and the top engaged contacts:

  • Click Map - This shows you exactly which links were clicked on your email and how many times. What is cool about this is you can test CTA placement. So if you have the same link in a few different places of the email, you can see which placement was most effective. 
  • Top Clicked Links - This is exactly what it is called, just the total number of clicks on each link included in the email, organized most to least
  • Top Engaged Contacts - While you'll want to see everyone who engaged / clicked a link in your email, this is the best place to start. You can see who the most engaged contacts were by opens and clicks. For instance, in the below example, we can see someone opened this email 24 times, and another clicked it 11 times. These people should be followed up with before anyone else. 

You can click any of the contacts in the "Top Engaged" report and go directly to their contact record from this screen. 

Outside of that, the rest of the metrics are not of much use. Below the above, you can view the time spent viewing the email, broken down by those who read, skimmed, or glanced. 

You can also view email engagement over time, starting from the point at which the campaign launched, as well as opens by Inbox Service Providers (ISPs), which HubSpot refers to as "email clients". 

Recipients Tab

Now that we have covered the Performance Tab, let's go over the Recipients Tab. 

Here you can view contacts by:

  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Opened
  • Clicked
  • Replied
  • Bounced
  • Unsubscribed
  • Spam Reports
  • Not Sent

As a sales rep, or someone following up on campaign engagement, you'll want to look at opened and clicked. 

By clicking the blank space in each row, we can see a detailed breakdown of when and where the email was opened, at what time, and in what order each linked was clicked. 

In the top right section of the Recipients Tab, you'll see a dropdown for "list action". You can use this to quickly create a list of contacts based on any of the above categories, add the contacts to an existing list of yours, or, export the recipients list entirely. 


That is everything you need to know about email metrics in HubSpot.

Happy Hunting!

See here the HubSpot Email Marketing Guide for MAD Partners.