Salesforce 101

Everything you need to know when working with a partner that is on Salesforce


Before you begin setting up the HubSpot-Salesforce integration, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the CRM, how it works, and where things live. Since it is a different CRM, objects have different names:

  • Leads = These are contacts in HubSpot, just with a different lifecycle stage.
  • Contacts = Contacts in HubSpot
  • Opportunities = Deals in HubSpot
  • Flows = Workflows. Please see the linked KB article for more information. Generally, we would create these to help bring data from custom objects to the appropriate levels
  • Fields = Properties in HubSpot

It is also easy to create custom objects in Salesforce. There is a chance that the partner you are working with is using custom objects. To bring these to HubSpot, they either need an enterprise-level subscription or flows to copy data from the custom object to the appropriate level to be synced to HubSpot.

Salesforce and HubSpot have an integration that works well. The setup instructions can be found here

Account Navigation

Navigation is performed through either the app launcher button (the 9 dots). Navigation can also be performed through the setup icon (the little gear).   

It is easier to just search for what you are looking for since Salesforce is much different than HubSpot. 


To find fields in Salesforce, you will want to navigate to the "Setup" menu and then search for  fields. Click on the result called "Object Manager". Once there, you will want to choose the object you wish to create or edit a field under. Select the menu option called "Fields and Relationships". You will then want to click on "New" to begin creating your custom field.

The first thing you will do is choose the field type you would like to create. There are more than just the below options, but these have been included as a small example of what to expect on this screen.

Once your field type is chosen, you will need to name it, set the field length or the number of characters and possibly add a description or help text if needed. 

Once your field label is populated, the field name will automatically populate with an API-friendly version of the property name. Click on "Next" once you are satisfied.

On the following page, you can set security options for this field. unless the partner says otherwise, you can just click "Next" here as well. 

Finally, you will add this field to one of the page layouts. Click on "Save" to complete making your field. Click on "Save & New" to save the field and begin creating a new one. 

If you are copying picklist values between fields, you can click on Printable View in the field you wish to pick from. This will make a small text box appear with the property options. You can copy and paste these into the picklist textbox you are creating. 

A unique field to Salesforce are lookup fields. These allow the user to lookup values for another object and create an association in Salesforce.

It is important to note that this can be used to create associations that are carried over to HubSpot through the integration. You can use this to create any associations between one object and another this way.

Objects & Views

When you select a new object, Salesforce will show you the most recently viewed items by default. Use the dropdown menu below the object name to choose a different view. 

When looking at the all object view, you can use the button on the left hand menu to show the current filters and select new ones. 

You can remove filter groups by clicking on the X next to each one. 

Unlike HubSpot, there is no is known/ is unknown property. To get around this, you will need to get creative. Pick a property that you want to see known and select is not equal to. From there just click on done and the filter will be applied. Any record that does not have a blank property value will be shown here. 

If you want to use the is unknown filter, use set the property you are looking for to equal to followed by a blank space. 

When looking at an object, you will start on the related tab. Here you are able to view all associated objects. Clicking on any links here will take you to that object. 

Clicking on the details tab will show you all of the fields for that object type. Here you will be able to make any edits to fields as needed by clicking the pencil icon in that line. 

Once that line has been edited, click on the save icon at the bottom of the screen.

Related Objects

Similar to HubSpot, Salesforce allows you to add related objects to the object you are looking at.

For example, if you are creating or editing a contact, you can use the Account Name field to search for a related account. Once created, this account will appear on the contact record.

Hovering over it will show a little preview of the account next to where you are looking. Clicking on the name will take you to the account (or other associated) record. 

You will want to use these record associations to make sure these associations are carried over to HubSpot. 

Bulk Updating Records

Unlike HubSpot, there is no bulk edit function. You will need to create list filters manually and update records from there.

You are going to want to add the fields you wish to display to the view. Click on the gear icon at the top of the list, then click on "Select Fields To Display". 

This will cause the following menu to pop up. Use the arrows to add or remove fields from your view as needed. Use the save button at the bottom to make any changes.

Once all of your needed fields have been added, you can go ahead and begin making edits to them as needed. You will want to start by selecting as many companies as needed. 

Unlike HubSpot, there is no bulk edit records feature. You are able to update Salesforce records in batches of up to 200. If you need to update more records, you will want to create a filter that hides records that you have previously updated. 

This also means that updating Salesforce records is a time-consuming task. 

To select all of the objects that meet your filter criteria, you will want to use the little checkbox to the left of the leftmost column. This will allow you to select up to 200 records. To select more than the number of records currently visible on your screen (Salesforce defaults to 50), you will want to scroll down until the desired number are visible.

From here, you will make whatever change you need to the desired field. Click on save at the bottom of the screen.

Salesforce will display an error message if something does not work. When this happens, you will want to Google the error and take the recommended action from there.