These animated images, also known as GIFs, take our first collaboration with UKrew members from the UKG Ready Partner team on the UKG HCM Video Series to the next level! These GIFs are aimed at providing resellers with visually stunning screenshots of the software that make the new UI come alive...
Get ready to have more fun marketing and selling UKG Ready to your prospects and customers than you have in years!
Get all six animated Talent Acquisition GIFs to market and sell the UKG Ready Talent Acquisition module to prospects and customers in a new, eye-catching way.
Get all six animated Benefits GIFs to market and sell the UKG Ready Benefits module to prospects and customers in a new, eye-catching way.
Get all six animated HR GIFs to market and sell the UKG Ready Human Resources module to prospects and customers in a new, eye-catching way.
Get all six animated TLM GIFs to market and sell the UKG Ready Time & Attendance module to prospects and customers in a new, eye-catching way.
Get our dashboard starter kit GIF bundle to market and sell the UKG Ready platform modules to HCM prospects and customers in a new, eye-catching way.
Making motion in the social ocean can stop the socialites in their tracks... or at least in their social feed. Gifs help your social posts stand out from competition and inspire more audience interactions.
Rather than showing off UKG Ready with old, static images... make it come alive! GIFs give your audience a more visually appealing look at solutions across your Human Capital Management Suite.
Doing a presentation, discovery call, or webinar? GIFs can make your slides dance! Keep your audience engaged on those bullet-heavy slides that need just a bit more action for better viewer satisfaction.
Let GIFs guide website visitors' eyes and mouse along your planned website path by evoking excitement and clicks to conversion funnels, proven to create more leads and drive sales opportunities.
Like a swiss-army knife, the beauty of GIFs is in the versatility - the file size of an image while packing a visual punch like video. How else can you see GIFs in your HCM marketing and sales initiatives?
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