What's Next?

Simply select the checkbox for the GIF or GIFs you want to purchase and complete the checkout process. 

Once you finish checking out, you will be redirected to a thank you page where you will fill out the information we need to customize the time and attendance GIFs for your brand.

Don't have that handy? Totally fine - you'll receive an automated email after checkout with a link to provide the customization details when you're ready.

If you have any questions, you can email us at support@marketingallday.com or call us at (973) 315-7955.

Available Time and Labor Management GIFs



Time and Attendance Dashboard

Clock Out

Time and Attendance Clock Out


Time and Labor Management Time Off Types


Time and Labor Management InTouch

Time Off

Time and Labor Management - Requesting Time Off GIF


Time and Labor Management - Multi GIF

More GIF Information

All we'll need is a copy of your logo to rebrand/customize your GIF. Your logo should be a .png file with a transparent background. If you don't have one of those, don't worry - we can work with what you've got.

Your logo will be featured in two places:

  1. In the top left corner of the screen where it usually is by default in UKG Ready. 
  2. A white version of your logo will be created and overlaid on top of the blue dashboard "white space".
The GIF files you will receive contain the following technical specifications: 
  • File Type: GIF
  • Frame Rate: 30fps
  • Colors: 8 bit (256 color depth)
The best thing about GIFs is that they are SO versatile. They are a widely accepted image-based format with a small file size. So the marketing and sales applications for them are virtually endless, including: 
  • Email blasts
  • Social media posts
  • Web pages
  • PowerPoint & Google Slides presentations
  • Word & Google Docs
  • and much more!

Get The Workforce Ready TLM GIF Bundle


$1,525 $1,275

The GIF Pack Includes:

  • Dashboard GIF
  • Mobile GIF
  • Absence GIF
  • InTouch GIF
  • Time Off GIF
  • Multi-Device GIF
Get TLM Bundle

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